Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Bento #4 - Love is in the AIR!!!

Love Themed bentos for Valentine's Day week.

Sent the boys to school with an envelope fill with love.

Both boys get exactly the same bento but I personalized their bento by placing their name on the envelope. Hope they enjoy their V-Day bento and can feel mummy's love for them.


Cannot leave out hubby's share of love on Valentine's Day. Made a simple breakfast for hubby ...

肉干面包 with a Heart Sausage.


In Owein's box, he got Nutella Chocolate Hearts with Heart Sausages and Fruit Loops. Feel so chocolaty ... YUMZ.

For Oswald, he wanted it plain so he can taste the original taste of the bread. How silly ... but mummy packed his box up with plain Chocolate Hearts + Heart Sausages + a Pineapple Tart as a treat.


Simple Heart Shape Sandwich with Rainbow Sparkles + Rice Crackers and Biscuits for Owein.

Oswald had to bring fruits to school today hence made Roses out of Strawberries for him and to house them, left me not much space for his bread. That explains the small hearts you see in Oswald's box.

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