Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Where to begin ...

It all started from viewing a friend's (Tona) album on FB of all the food she packed for her son. Every box of bento she had made are so cute and and interesting. Really applaud her for all the effort put in to make food look interesting for her son.

Gradually I got influenced by her and had decided to start making food interesting for my boys. My boys get to pack food to school every Wednesdays and Fridays. Those are the days where the school would give 包 (steam buns) for snack time and my elder boy (Oswald) does not like.

How time flies ... thinking back, I had started making bentos for almost a year. During this period of time, I've picked up lots of tips and ideas from other bento makers. During the learning process, my bentos and slowly look better and nicer and my bento equipment collection had also grown larger.

After almost a year of bento making, I'd finally decided to start a bento blog. Mainly to document the bentos I'd made so far and for reference in the future (in case I decided to reuse an idea or to improve on it). Pardon me for my beginner skills ... I will continue to learn and one fine day, hope to make really really nice bentos like so many others out there.

For a start, let me share my stash of bento equipemnts.

** Bento Boxes **

** Bento Tools **

** Nori Punchers **

** Sandwich and Food Cutters **

** More Cutters **

** Sausage and Alphabet Cutters **

** Rice Moulds **

** Sauce Containers **

** Silicon Cups **

** Barans and Dividers **

** Food Picks ... My Favorite ^_^ **

** More cutters and Picks from Bento n Co **

** Carla Craft Punchers n Sandwich Cutters **

** Rilakkuma **

** More cutters, Picks and Silicon Cases **

** More loots from AllThingsForSale **

** Loots from Taiwan **

Isn't it scary??? It all started out with an aim to make food more interesting for my boys and it turned out to be a huge collection of tools for mummy =P

BUT ... please don't be scared off. I admit I kind of gotten head over heels when it comes to equipment purchasing and everything I see is so cute and I just want to get my hands on them. In fact, I know of mums who prepare equally nice bentos with minimal tools. So please don't let my collection scare you off.

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